Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

We exist to make followers of Jesus Christ through the proclamation and demonstration of the good news for the glory of God.

The Vision

Our singular passion is to see all peoples worship and enjoy Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father. 

Ministry Priorities

Members that are Truly Converted
Continual Growth in Christlikeness
Dependence on Prayer
Expositional Preaching & Teaching
An Increasing Understanding of Biblical Theology
A Gospel-Saturated Ministry
Members that are Committed
A Desire for a Multi-ethnic, Multi-socioeconomic & Multi-generational Membership Representative of Our Community
Loving, Mutual Accountability and Church Discipline
Great Commission Focus and Orientation
Christlike, Servant Leadership
A Holistic View of Worship and the Christian Life
A Content-Driven Music Ministry
A Complementarian Understanding of Manhood and Womanhood
Practical Engagement of Major Social Issues
A Family-Driven Ministry to Children

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